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Wholemeal spaghetti with ricotta & lime

This pasta dish is so easy to make that all you will need is 3 ingredients.

The creamy texture of the ricotta sauce nicely coats the pasta and the lime zest brightens and freshens up the whole dish.

I used wholemeal spaghetti but you can use any type of pasta.

INGREDIENTS (serve 2ppl)

180 g wholemeal spaghetti

150g ricotta

zest of half lime




Bring a large pot of salted water to boil over high heat. Add the pasta and cook it until al dente as per packet instructions, stirring it occasionally.

Meanwhile, in a bowl add the ricotta, a good crack of pepper, a pinch of salt and 4 or 5 tablespoons of the pasta water. Whisk together and if the ricotta is still too stiff, add more water if necessary, we are looking for cream look-alike consistency of the mixture.

Once the pasta is cooked, drain it, add it to the ricotta and toss to combine.

Transfer to a serving plate and top it with freshly zest lime along with an extra crack of pepper.




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