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Torta caprese

Torta Caprese is beautiful chocolate, and gluten-free, cake straight from the island of Capri.

Easy to make, with a fudgy and soft centre.

When I've made this cake years ago in a restaurant, I remember the chef telling me that the recipes was simply equal part of everything plus eggs.

At the time, silly me, I didn't write it down anywhere, but lucky the amazing food writer Emiko Davies came to rescue, for what I can remember, with a really similar recipe.

INGREDIENTS (serve a 18 cm cake tin)

125 g almond meal

125 g dark chocolate 70%

125 g butter, cut into small pieces

125 g sugar

3 eggs, yolks and whites separated

Icing sugar for decoration


Preheat the over at 160º C and line or grease a spring form cake tin.

Place the chocolate into a heat proof bowl and melt it over a bain marie.

When melted, remove the bowl from the heat, add the butter and with a spatula, stir until is completely melted through.

Add the sugar and almond meal and combine to form a uniform batter.

Once the batter is cooler, add the 3 egg yolks and combine well. (if the mixture is too hot it will crumble the yolks).

In a separate bowl beat the egg whites, with a hand mixer, until they reach a soft peak.

Fold the beating egg whites into the chocolate batter a bit at the time, making sure to incorporate as much air as possible.

Pour the batter into the cake tin and bake for 40 minutes or until when a skewer insert in the middle comes out clean.

Let in cool off, and dust the top with icing sugar before serving.


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