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Soft Italian lemon biscuits

Lemony soft biscuits with a beautiful marble texture on the outside. Perfect to finish your meal.

INGREDIENTS (makes 16 biscuits)

140gr + 20gr plain flour

50gr Sugar

50gr butter, at room temperature

Juice and zest of 1 lemon

1 egg yolk

1/2 tsp baking powder

For coating:


Icing sugar


In a stand mixer bowl place, the sugar, butter and lemon zest, and with the whisk attachment, beat the ingredients until well combined (2-3 minutes).

Add the yolk and continue mixing until incorporate and the mixture is fluffy.

While mixing, start adding the lemon juice a bit at a time.

Now add the flour and, with a spatula, incorporate it into the mixture.

When fully absorbed, add the remaining 20 gr and mix until just incorporated. The result should be a really soft dough.

Cover it and let it rest in the fridge for 1 hour to allow it to firm up.

Meanwhile, get ready for the coating.

Into one plate, pour some sugar and some icing sugar into another.

Now, from the rested dough, cut 20gr dough portions and roll each piece into small balls.

Coat the balls first with sugar and then with icing sugar, making sure they are well covered.

This step is important, so your biscuits will have the marble look on the outside we are looking for.

Place the coated balls into a lined baking tray and place them back in the fridge for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven at 180ºC (fan-forced).

Bake them for the first 5 minutes at 180ºC, then turn down the oven temperature to 170ºC and bake for 10 more minutes.

Once cooked, let them cool off in a rack and serve.



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