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Porcini pappardelle with Parmigiano fonduta

A heartwarming dish like no others. Rich and creamy with an earthy pappardelle.

INGREDIENTS (serve 2 ppl)

200 gr porcini pappardelle (see recipe HERE)

100 gr Parmigiano Reggiano, grated

120 gr cooking cream

Black pepper

Walnuts, roughly chopped


In a pot, over medium heat, add the cream and slowly bring it to a simmer.

Start adding the grated Parmigiano a bit at a time, and meanwhile with a spatula, keep stirring until all the cheese is added and fully incorporated.

Let it thicken up for 2 minutes and stir occasionally. You are looking for a thickened cream consistency. If you will like a thicker sauce, leave it for a little longer.

With a stick blender, blend the fonduta to obtain a smooth and airy consistency. Set aside.

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook it until al dente (about 3-4 minutes).

If the sauce did harden up a little, adjust the consistency with pasta water and stir well to combine.

Drain the cooked pasta and add it to the fonduta. Toss well to coat the pasta evenly with sauce.

Serve and top each plate with chopped walnuts and freshly cracked black pepper.


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