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Baci di dama

The baci di dama (lady’s kisses) are a typical sandwich biscuit from the northern italian region Piemonte.

Resembling two lips kissing, this biscuit, like many Italian recipes, has many tails. But one above all want that they were created in the town of Tortona around the 1800.

Originally made using the abundant hazelnuts from the region, the recipe was then updates by using almond, giving them the characteristic golden colour.

They can now be found all over Italy and in different flavours, like chocolate biscuit and white chocolate filling.

INGREDIENTS (make 16 biscuits)

100 gr almond meal

100 gr caster sugar

100 gr butter, soft

150 gr plain flour

1 pinch salt

100 gr dark chocolate, melted


Pre heat the over at 160ºC (fan forced) and line 2 baking trays with baking paper.

In a bowl place the almond meal, sugar, flour and salt and stir to combine.

Add the butter, and with your hands, combine the ingredients until a smooth dough is form.

NOTE: the dough should look quite dry but playable.

Pinch a small portion of the dough and start shaping small balls the size of a large marble (around 2 cm).

Place the balls onto a lined tray and bake for 20 minutes or until golden.

Let them cool off completely on a cooling rack.

Once cool, add some melted chocolate between 2 biscuits and gently press them together to form a sandwich.

Serve them with your coffee or tea.



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